When parents become interested in home educating their children, the idea can seem scary as well as exciting. Often parents are keen to find out more about other families’ experiences, how they found home teaching when they started out, tips, pros, cons, and practical advice. Sometimes there are local home education groups, and these provide the perfect opportunity to find out more about home schooling, as well as providing crucial opportunities for your home schooled kids to meet other families in the same situation.
But if you don’t know any local home schooled families, the Internet is a great place to turn to. And blogs – which are like online diaries – are the perfect way to help you to discover more about home education, from what the day to day reality of educating children at home is really like, to how other parents juggle work, housework, and schooling, to how it’s possible to teach various children of different ages all at the same time – blogs can put you into the “mindset” of another family who are going through the same predicament as you, even if they might be across the other side of the world.
Here’s a guide to some of the best home education blogs on the net.
patchofpuddles – Merry writes in detail and regularly about life home educating her four daughters. There’s masses of details, from ideas and activities for young children, Merry’s own daily concerns, joys and difficulties, book lists, project pages and diaries.
home-educateme – home schooling family have four kids, from 6 to 12. Blog about a wide range of issues, from food and teaching to coping with kids of different ages and anxieties about home schooling.
homebakededucation blogspot – Hannah regularly updates her blog about home teaching her eight-year-old son. This site emphasises cooking, exploring outside and has lots of photos to demonstrate the teaching techniques.
musingsfromthemadhouse blogspot – Lisa is a home educator of two teenagers, but this blog is about more than just her home teaching techniques, it includes various “random musings” as well as info on her kids’ studies for qualifications and university applications.
sometimesitspeaceful blogspot – there are masses of entries, photos and information on this site by Gill, an “autonomous home educator” who writes in touching detail about her experiences teaching and learning alongside her kids.
blogger profile 03536057826596510429 – this is quite a hi-tech blog with YouTube video links as well as photos! Lou is a home educator based in Manchester who says, “I am with my kids practically 24/7 and learn so much from them. Life is good!”
byothermeans – Lucy details and discusses her three years (so far) home educating her teenage son and daughter; the family is based in Scotland and this blog focuses on creative cookery, imaginative learning options, friends, visits and holidays, plus integrates photos into the mix.
tworedboots – Sarah describes her life home educating three children, integrating them into school then home education again. She says: “The blog started as a place to record our family’s home education, and quickly morphed into far more than that – a diary but also a way to communicate with family and friends and also “a habit that I can’t seem to drop.”
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