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So far JustWorldSchool has created 52 blog entries.

How Can I Help My Son to Pass His GCSEs?

By |2021-05-24T09:07:59+00:00February 1, 2009|Uncategorized|

First of all, it's important to check out GCSE dates. In schools, most students take GCSE courses over a period of two years. If your son plans to learn intensively at home, you may choose to sit the exam one year after beginning learning, but either way it is important [...]

Questionnaire: Ask Your Child About Home Education

By |2021-05-24T09:07:50+00:00January 16, 2009|Why Home School|

For your child, when you, he or she or your partner first brings up the idea of home education, there is likely to be a strong reaction – either negatively or positively. If a child has been bullied at school, he or she may be especially keen to leave behind [...]

Questionnaire: Should I Home Educate My Children?

By |2021-05-24T09:07:50+00:00January 16, 2009|Why Home School|

Even contemplating making the move to home school your child is a huge prospect, and you might feel overawed about all the options to consider and issues to think about. A good way to help to break down your huge decision into more easily manageable chunks is to answer the [...]

Using TV and the Internet in Home Schooling

By |2021-05-24T09:07:55+00:00January 14, 2009|Ideas|

While both the Internet and TV programmes offer huge educational resource opportunities, some home schooling families can feel tentative about how to integrate these two technologies into their education plans. One of the reasons that many parents have serious reservations about both TV and the Internet is that they both [...]

A Guide to Home Education Blogs

By |2021-05-24T09:07:55+00:00January 13, 2009|Ideas|

When parents become interested in home educating their children, the idea can seem scary as well as exciting. Often parents are keen to find out more about other families’ experiences, how they found home teaching when they started out, tips, pros, cons, and practical advice. Sometimes there are local home [...]

Running a House and Home Educating

By |2021-05-24T09:07:59+00:00January 12, 2009|Routine|

When parents make the decision to home school their children, this can bring on extra stress when considering the myriad of other tasks to be carried out to enable the smooth-running of the family home. Some home schooling parents place pressure on themselves to carry out the full “duties” of [...]

The Law About Private Tuition at Home

By |2021-05-24T09:07:59+00:00October 22, 2008|Routine|

Many home educators provide all of their child's teaching themselves, or employ tutors for occasional sport, music or art training, but some home schooling families do opt for more home tutoring time within a home education. Some of the benefits include a child getting used to a different style of [...]

All About Home Schooling and Break Time

By |2021-05-24T09:07:56+00:00October 22, 2008|Routine|

To many home educators, the idea of home schooling and a break time will immediately sound oxymoronic, because many home teachers believe that learning is not a specific, desk-based event but something that is part of every day life and can be picked up just as much in the supermarket [...]

Support and Help Groups for Home Schoolers

By |2021-05-24T09:07:55+00:00October 22, 2008|Ideas|

Benefits of Home Education Support Groups Support groups can be an ideal way for both you and your home schooled child to get to know other families who are experiencing the same education system. Your child may benefit from meeting fellow home schoolers as well as other friends in interest [...]

Where Can my Home Schooled Child Take Examinations?

By |2021-05-24T09:07:53+00:00October 22, 2008|Qualifications|

Information About Exam Entry for Home Schooled Children For home schooled children who have studied for a public exam like GCSEs or A levels either independently, through a private tutor, or via a correspondence course, it is usually the pupil's own responsibility to find an exam centre, register for the [...]

Teaching Revision and Exam Technique

By |2021-05-24T09:07:51+00:00October 21, 2008|Qualifications|

Most students feel nervous about exams, but homed schooled students might have extra nerves about taking the exams in a large exam centre with students they may have never previously met. It's a good idea to take your homed schooled child along to the exam centre in advance of the [...]

Motivating Home Schooled Children

By |2021-05-24T09:07:56+00:00October 20, 2008|Routine|

Where motivation in a mainstream school setting usually stems from the organised structure of a planned curriculum, marked assignments, sometimes peer to peer competitiveness, striving for the praise of a teacher or parent, home school educators generally emphasise learning for its own sake. Home schooling parents therefore often try to [...]

Home Schooling and Making a University Application

By |2021-05-24T09:07:51+00:00October 20, 2008|Qualifications|

The basic answer to the question 'what do universities think about home schooled students' applications to further education?' is that every institution differs. Most universities want to be certain that applicants to their courses will be able to cope with and benefit from their education at universities, and to many [...]

How to Teach Formal QualificationsWhen Home Schooling

By |2021-05-24T09:07:50+00:00October 20, 2008|Qualifications|

All about GCSEs and A Levels 'GCSE' stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education, the exams that within mainstream schools in the UK most students take at the end of year 11, usually when aged 16, although GCSEs can be taken at any age and home schoolers especially often take [...]

Home School Education and the National Curriculum

By |2021-05-24T09:07:47+00:00October 19, 2008|Curricula|

For some home schooling families, the National Curriculum has no impact on their home learning and home teaching - because, by law, it does not have to have any role in a home education. Home schooling comes under the bracket of the Education Act which refers to provision for 'education [...]

What Subjects Does a Home Schooler Have to Teach?

By |2021-05-24T09:07:47+00:00October 19, 2008|Curricula|

Many new home schooling families are surprised to find that there are no laws or regulations in place through Government Acts like the Education Act regarding the curricula that children who are experiencing home schooling need to undertake. In addition, the same is true of Local Education Authorities, (LEAs) and [...]

Social and Leisure Activities and Home School Education

By |2021-05-24T09:08:00+00:00October 18, 2008|Social & Leisure|

For most home schooling parents, their child's development of social skills will be a central concern. In a mainstream school environment, children are usually taught in a large classroom which provides many opportunities to interact with fellow classmates of the same age, plus adults like teachers and teaching assistants, as [...]

Employing a Private Tutor as Part of Home Schooling

By |2021-05-24T09:07:59+00:00October 18, 2008|Routine|

Home Tutoring In A Home School Education Some parents feel unable to cater for their child's entire teaching and want to hire a private tutor for some subjects, or others may book a tutor for a child's entire home learning. It's best to shop around as many tuition agencies offer [...]

Home Schooling and A Levels

By |2021-05-24T09:07:50+00:00October 18, 2008|Qualifications|

All about A Levels A Levels are higher level qualifications for students in England, Northern Ireland and Wales - in Scotland, the equivalent qualification is the Scottish Higher. A Levels are now split into two qualifications, AS (Advanced Subsidiary) and A (Advanced) level qualifications, which normally take one year each [...]

Do I Need Formal Qualifications to Home Educate?

By |2021-05-24T09:07:50+00:00October 18, 2008|Qualifications|

Parents making decisions about home schooling their children tend to be thinking first about the benefits or disadvantages that a home education would give their child, and it may only be once the decision has been made to home educate that he or she begins to consider the actual process [...]

Home Schooling a Child with Special Needs

By |2021-05-24T09:07:50+00:00October 17, 2008|Why Home School|

The Basics about Home Schooling Children with Special Needs Children who have a statement of special educational needs can still receive a home education, but the process of starting home educating may differ slightly. The Statement, once a child is withdrawn from school, is unenforceable unless the Statement itself reads [...]

Home School vs School Education

By |2021-05-24T09:07:50+00:00October 17, 2008|Why Home School|

This articles takes a look at the key issues that differentiate school and home school education, looking at the pros and cons of home tutoring's more individualised approach and the issues surrounding socialisation that some view as a disadvantage of home learning. This article lays out the issues, because the [...]

Home Schooling a Child with Behavioural Difficulties

By |2021-05-24T09:07:49+00:00October 17, 2008|Why Home School|

Sometimes behavioural issues are a key reason why parents decide to home school their child, since the child is not doing well at school because of his or her behaviour. Often this has a root cause, such as bullying, or having difficulty learning in the school's teaching style or environment, [...]

Home Schooling Children with Dyslexia

By |2021-05-24T09:07:49+00:00October 17, 2008|Curricula|

One of the chief benefits of home schooling is the individualised attention a child receives from his or her parent (or tutor, or grandparent, etc.) which is usually in contrast to a school environment with twenty or more students in a class and a low teacher or teaching assistant ratio. [...]

What is ‘socialisation’?

By |2021-05-24T09:07:59+00:00October 16, 2008|Social & Leisure|

The issue of a child's social skills is a major concern for parents who are considering a home education for their child. Some criticisms of a home schooling environment include the idea that it prevents children from developing social awareness of how to act in particular situations, or what to [...]

Home Schooling a Child Outside of the UK

By |2021-05-24T09:07:50+00:00October 16, 2008|Why Home School|

The relative freedom and flexibility of home schooling regulation in the UK means that parents who move or travel abroad with their children are sometimes surprised to discover stricter laws regulating home schooling in other countries. Parents who teach their children via home schooling have to follow the rules of [...]

The Main Reasons People Choose to Home School

By |2021-05-24T09:07:49+00:00October 16, 2008|Why Home School|

Families and children may choose to embark on a home school education for a wide range of reasons. This article looks at the main reasons that parents name as significant factors in their decision to choose a home schooling education. Note that many parents -and children- opt for home schooling [...]

Truancy and Responding to a School Attendance Order

By |2021-05-24T09:07:46+00:00October 16, 2008|The Law & Regulation|

Sometimes home school educated children who are seen out and about in school hours are targeted by truancy officers, who may not believe their (probable) protestations about being home schooled. In 2007, the Government Department for Children, Schools and Families (previously the ministry for education) issued guidance on truancy, and [...]

How do I Tell a School I Want to Home School my Child?

By |2021-05-24T09:07:46+00:00October 16, 2008|The Law & Regulation|

Why do I Need to Contact the School? If a child has not previously attended a school, parents do not need to contact any school regarding their home schooling choice. If, however, your child is either currently attending a school in England, Northern Ireland, or Wales, or is registered as [...]

Advice About the Law and Home Schooling

By |2021-05-24T09:07:46+00:00October 16, 2008|The Law & Regulation|

In basic terms, the Education Act law in both England, Northern Ireland, and Wales and in Scotland means that while parents are legally required to educate their children, no parent has to do so by sending their child to school. Parents are, however, required by law to ensure they receive [...]

Government Rules on Age and Hours of Study for Children

By |2021-05-24T09:07:46+00:00October 16, 2008|The Law & Regulation|

There are no formal rules by the Government, Local Education Authority or any other curricula body regarding the number or nature of hours a home schooled child has to undertake. Usually no home school education is the same: there is no average day, or lesson, or term; the nature of [...]

Home Schooled Children and Social Skills

By |2021-05-24T09:07:59+00:00October 15, 2008|Social & Leisure|

The development of social skills is an issue of concern for many parents who decide to give their children home education - it's also one of the most prevalent criticisms of home education by those who are opposed to it. Some argue that a home schooling environment shelters children from [...]

The Disadvantages of Home Schooling

By |2021-05-24T09:07:49+00:00October 15, 2008|Why Home School|

While many parents find home schooling offers lots of potential benefits, there are also drawbacks to consider, and many will have a significant impact on family life for the home schooled child but also his or her siblings and parents. This article outlines these potential disadvantages of home schooling to [...]

Government Attainment Standards for Home Schooled Children

By |2021-05-24T09:07:46+00:00October 15, 2008|The Law & Regulation|

A child receiving a home schooling education in the UK is not subject to regular monitoring or testing. There are no official attainment standards that need to be met. Home schooled children do not need to take exams such as SATs; in fact, they do not need to take any [...]

The Law and Home Schooling in Scotland

By |2021-05-24T09:07:46+00:00October 15, 2008|The Law & Regulation|

Scotland and England have two separate Parliaments and two separate systems of law and administration, which affects their different education policies. However, the home schooling law in Scotland is close to that of England: in both countries parents are not obliged by law to sign up their child to a [...]

Senior School Teaching Ideas

By |2021-05-24T09:07:54+00:00October 14, 2008|Ideas|

Even when younger home school children and their families decided against following a curricula, often as home schooled children grow older, parents decide to give their child the opportunity to gain qualifications like GCSEs and A Levels, and in this case the home education system and teaching tips for children [...]

The Law and Home Schooling in England and Wales

By |2021-05-24T09:07:46+00:00October 14, 2008|The Law & Regulation|

In England the Education Act on 1944 means that parents are legally obliged to educate their children, but do not have to do so by sending their child to school. The Direct Gov website (by the Government) lists a parent's duty. This is: that a 'child is not obliged to [...]

The Transition From Home School to School

By |2021-05-24T09:07:45+00:00October 11, 2008|Home School Basics|

Home schooling is usually a very different education experience when compared with receiving an education in a mainstream school. A home schooled child will usually receive much more individual attention, and the pace of work will be tailored for his or her personal needs. If parents and children decide to [...]

The Transition From School to Home Schooling

By |2021-05-24T09:07:45+00:00October 10, 2008|Home School Basics|

For a child, moving from a busy school day to a less structured home education, where the 'classroom' might be their living room, and the teacher their mum or dad, can be a difficult transition to make. This article will look at how parents should begin planning for this transition [...]

What is ‘Deschooling’?

By |2021-05-24T09:07:45+00:00October 10, 2008|Home School Basics|

The process of deschooling is only relevant to home school children who have started attending a school and then opt to receive a home learning education. Deschooling is the process of acclimatisation between learning at school and learning in the home environment. This article discusses what parents can expect around [...]

Does a Home School Teacher Have to be a Qualified Teacher?

By |2021-05-24T09:07:45+00:00October 10, 2008|Home School Basics|

Parents who decide their children would thrive with a home school education have usually examined the motivations and repercussions of home teaching in detail, but will tend to retain concerns about the actual practical process of themselves becoming a teacher. This article will look at the law surrounding their regulation [...]

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